Reset your password

Password forgotten

Updated over a week ago

Note that you will have to enter the email address you used to register to your Dialogue account.

If you are already connected to your account, please log out before following the steps below.

On the Mobile App

  1. Open the Dialogue application and click on "Sign in".

  2. Enter your email address, and click on "Forgot?".

  3. Confirm by clicking on “Reset”

  4. You will receive a password reset link on the email you use to login to your account.

  5. Click on the link in the email.

On the Web App

  1. Enter your email address, and click on “Forgot Password?”

  2. Confirm by clicking on “OK”

  3. You will receive a password reset link on the email you use to login to your account.

  4. Click on the link in the email.

If you haven't received a reset email:

  1. Check your junk mail.

  2. Make sure you used the correct email address (the one you usually enter to log in).

If you cannot reset your password using the steps above:

You may be logged out due to a period of deactivation. If you have received an email concerning the need to complete an extra step to verify your identity, our support team will be in touch about this shortly.

If you do not have access to your work email in order to reset your password:

If you do not have access to your professional email, we will have to change your login email to your personal email. Please contact our support team via the chat in the bottom right of this page concerning this issue.

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