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How do I add family members?
Updated over a week ago

​Only main account holders can add family members by following these steps:

  1. Select the round "Account" icon at the the top right-hand side of the screen

  2. Select "Family"

Please note: From a medical point of view, the legal age for consulting alone is 14 years of age. Family members aged 14 and over should therefore be added as 'adults'.

To add an adult (14+).

  1. Click on "Add adult (14+)"

  2. Enter their email address to send an invitation email.

  3. Your family member can then create their account by following these instructions.

Please note: Adults have separate accounts for confidentiality reasons. Unless a parent or guardian has been explicitly invited by the patient, adults consult privately.

To add a child (0-13)

  1. Click on "Add child (0-13)"

  2. Fill out their account information.

Please note: Children under the age of 14 have an account that will be associated with yours. The presence of both the parent and the child are required during consultation.

For more details on the eligibility criteria of family members, please contact the organization through which you have access to Dialogue.

Please note: If you encounter an error message when trying to invite a family member, it is likely that they have already created an account. Please contact support and we will be happy to migrate that account to your coverage.

Still need help?

Please reach out to support via our chat at the bottom of this page, or by email at

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