To ensure the safety of our patients, it is not possible to edit your name, date of birth, and sex at birth in both the mobile and web application. If you made a mistake while creating your profile, please ask the care team, via the application, to change the information for you.
If you need to change your Province, Phone number, or Preference communication language follow these steps:
On the IOS Mobile App
Tap on the Account button in the lower right of the application, then select Profile.
Tap on "Edit" in the upper right of the application.
Modify the information in your profile by tapping on the field(s) you want to edit.
When you have finished changing your profile information, tap on "Done" in the upper right of the application.
On the Android Mobile App
Select the icon of a person on the top right-hand side
Select Profile
Select Edit
You can edit your province, gender or communication preference.
On the Web App
Click on the triangle-shaped icon next to your name to drop down the options menu and select Account, then Profile.
Modify the information in your profile by clicking on the field(s) you want to edit.
When you have finished changing your profile information, click on "Save" in the lower-right of the Profile pop-up screen.