How to Add members

How to add members from your organization to give them access to Dialogue.

Updated over a week ago

Add a member (one by one):

You can add members by clicking on "Add member" on the right side of your screen, in the "Members" tab.

Enter their unique identifier, first name, last name, date of birth, province, and activation date.

Check the box if you want the member to receive an email telling them to create their account and use Dialog (optional).

Click on "Invite" and the member will appear under the future tab (if the start date is in the future) or the Active tab if the start date is today.

Add several members:

This option is best when you have a large list of members you would like to add at once.

  1. Click on “Import CSV”

  2. Click on “Choose file” and select the CSV file (Excel saved as .csv).

Notes: The first line of the CSV file must be the header with the following predefined column names:

  • unique_identifier (email or employee number)

  • first_name

  • last_name

  • date_of_birth (YYYY-MM-DD)

  • province (CA-QC, CA-BC, etc).

An example can be found in this template: Add_Update_Members_Template.csv

3. Click on “Preview” to see what will be imported into the portal.

Once you have confirmed that the data is valid, check or uncheck the box to send a notification to these members and choose the start date. Then click on: ” Continue”.

Members will appear under the Future tab (if the start date is in the future) or the ACTIVE tab if the start date is today.

Note: If you have any questions about the format of the CSV, please contact us at

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